Police Officer's Prayer...

(A prayer poem for the protection, wisdom and safety of a police officer before beginning duty)

As I put on my uniform,
I always look to you
I know that you commission me
To do the work I do.

I ask for your protection
For all those that I lead.
I ask for your daily guidance
As we respond to those in need.

I know that you see our every move
And how we interweave,
To be our watchman, guard and shepherd,
All so dutifully.

I know you are forgiving Lord
And your love can cover sin.
So I desire to be a great example
Of how your grace can win.

So help me Lord when the pressures on
And we are stretched to meet the need.
Give me divine judgement,
To be wise and take the lead.

Oh help me Lord to serve and care
For all those on my team.
To nurture every aspect
Of their fears and hopes and dreams.

I thank you loving Father
For walking the beat with me.
I thank you that as I get dressed
You're right here next to me.

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